Come What May, I Will Rejoice in the Lord (Habakkuk 3)

  It is interesting how circumstances bring out different responses in us. When things go our way, we are often excited. When things don’t go our way we are often frustrated. To go from frustration to excitement we are usually in need of things going in our favour. In this final message, we will seeContinue reading “Come What May, I Will Rejoice in the Lord (Habakkuk 3)”

What Does God Seem Indifferent? (Habakkuk 1:1-11)

Many things in life are unexpected. In-fact, many things that are enjoyed and loved by many came about unexpectedly. A naval engineer intended to design a devise that would monitor power on naval ships. It was dropped on the floor and he saw it slink away. The birth of the slinky. The rest is history.Continue reading “What Does God Seem Indifferent? (Habakkuk 1:1-11)”

Faithfulness and Failure (John 18:12-27)

A lot can happen in a short amount of time. Just think about the world of technology and how much has transpired in the last century. It is truly amazing. In the 1940’s it was said that there would be a world market for about five computers. Looking at that statement now with tablets, smartContinue reading “Faithfulness and Failure (John 18:12-27)”

Loving Obedience (John 14:15-24)

There are many things that can fill our lives as Christians with distractions from what is most important. Pressure from work, routine busyness and add to this our own daily temptations (which are relentless) are all things that bring trouble and difficulty. What is a Christian to do in the midst of troubling times? EarlierContinue reading “Loving Obedience (John 14:15-24)”

How to receive comfort when our hearts feel troubled (John 14:1-4)

Saying goodbye to a dear friend or family member can be a really hard experience. This is especially hard when you know you won’t see them for a long time due to distance, or even worse in the occurrence of death. Goodbyes, farewells, and departures can trouble our hearts and fill us with overwhelming sadness.Continue reading “How to receive comfort when our hearts feel troubled (John 14:1-4)”